Sunday, April 30, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017--Lost Maples State Park to Ft. Stockton, TX--270 miles

     We made an early start today with many miles ahead of us. First we took time to drive to the end of the road for one last search for the Golden-cheeked Warbler. 
     We noticed the bird volunteers had decamped--on their way back to Michigan for the summer now that the prime birding season is over here.
     There was no sign of the warbler near the feeders, or the trees near the parking lot. A prickly-pear cactus and a Black-crested Titmouse greeted us instead.

     I walked down to the Sabinal River and suddenly I heard the warbler, very high pitched and quietly singing. After listening for several minutes I got a brief look a couple times in the top of a maple tree. I would have liked more and a longer look, but it was enough to id the bird. No photo. 

     After leaving the state park we drove about 70 miles through rolling hills 

and large ranches, some cattle ranches and many "shooting" ranches where we had glimpses of exotic animals. 
     Every ranch has a gate--this is a very modest one. 
     This is a bit showier.

     There were roadside flowers, but have not seen the famous bluebonnets of Texas. Or have we? Are these the bluebonnets?
     Then we drove west on the freeway to Ft. Stockton. It was very windy all the way, and eventually we made it to Ft. Stockton RV campground where we had been on the trip down. It was 97 degrees. I washed clothes, we had showers, the internet worked and the air-conditioner did not. 
     Luckily the wind blew enough to keep the temp in the van below 100. There were many, many huge RV's which would hold 2 or 3 of ours. I think they sucked up all the power from the electrical system. After it got dark, the AC worked fine. The big RV's didn't need the power any more.
Today Our Ears Were On

Twenty minutes of listening to the Golden-cheeked Warbler

Today Our Eyes Were On

A few lovely birds

A fleeting glimpse of the warbler and

Hot and Windy Texas!!!!

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